Animated gifs: Children, school and college. Music and dance. Disney, Cartoon characters. Animated words: animation, arrows, construction, directions, e-mail, home, new, news, guestbook, welcome and other signs, animated lines. Flowers plants and trees. Birthday,clowns balloon balls. Homes, buildings and landscape. Food and drinks. Jobs and tools. Money and business. Cats, mice, dogs, rabbits, cows, frogs, horses, donkeys, pigs, birds, hens, butterflies, zoo and dragons. St.Valentine St. Patrick Easter Cinco de Mayo. 4th of July and fireworks, Halloween and Thanksgiving, Nativity, Merry Christmas Feliz Navidad Noel Natal Natale Weihnachten Hanukkah Kawanza Eid New Year, Santa Claus, Christmas tree, Snowman, gingerbread, toys. Boats, fish and sea, Cars, trains, planes, space, stars. Sports, gym and games. Pantings, art and hystory. English first names. Nomi italiani. Scritte in italiano. Français rédige. World flags 1, world flags 2, Zodiac signs.