19 Padre Pio in action (with video)
Summary: St. Francis Hall, (hallway video), Friars, Children, Baptism, First Communion, Wedding, Evening prayers (audio Visit to the Blessed Sacrament).
St. Francis Hall
St. Francis Hall was built in 1959 as a connection between the choir of the new church and the convent.
The name was given by the fresco of St. Francis painted by the local artist Antonio Ciccone.
Don Paolo Cecere, pastor of Sant'Antonio parish in Castellammare di Stabia, with Padre Pio.
Padre Paolino da Nola (right) with Padre Pio. All are smiling.
Giovanni Celotto and Raffaele Esposito standing at the center of the picture, behind Padre Alessio.
1 Franco Parmentola (talking to Padre Pio) and 2 Giovanni Parmentola (kneeling far right)
Dr. Salvatore Lorini, behind Padre Alessio, looking to his right. The group of men is from Castellammare di Stabia. Padre Pio in putting his hand on the head of the child Salvatore Lombardi.
In the detail, Padre Pio seems to be looking at none of the presents, but at something else.
Padre Pio passed trough the hall twice a day, and since the area was cloistered, only men were allowed in.
The men lined up spontaneously on their knees and talked to him, and got his blessing.
St. Francis Hall and Hallways video In this video several silent clips of Padre Pio passing through the hallways and meeting people, are stitched together. This video should be seen several times, and in slow motions, to grasp what is really going on.
Meeting Padre Pio was something special, very special. With every person he had a different interaction. His facial expression, the movement of the hands and of the arms, the turning of the head, the making of eye contact, the words that he said, the blessings, the answers that he gave, everything that seemed casual was eminently supernatural. There was a minimal part seen, all the rest was unseen. We know that his guardian Angel was always close by and visible by him. Being able to kiss the wounded hand of Padre Pio was held as a special privilege and an assurance of being in good standing with God. As you can see, not everybody was allowed to. He read the conscience of every person, and knew a lot about their lives. When people wanted to ask him something, but their voices were choked by the emotion he would give the answer without hearing the question. Many letters were given to him, and he gave answers without opening them. He stressed to his superiors: “Jesus tells me what to say.” The interactions with Padre Pio were extremely brief but eminently intense. There was nothing superfluous. There was maximal optimization of his time. God was with him and in
him, and speaking through him.
Friar helping friar Several friars helped Padre Pio holding his arm, to make a bit easier to walk on the wounded feet. The friars also helped Padre Pio to smile and relax a bit.
Children Carmelina Miglionico holding her child being baptized by Padre Pio. Baptism of Pio
Masone, the nephew of Padre Pio. The godmother, holding the baby, is
Mary Pyle.
Padre Pio gave First Communion to children. The child received a
certificate with Padre Pio's signature.
Wedding ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Padre Pio celebrated weddings most of the time in a special ceremony outside Mass. At times, he did during Mass. ![]() ![]() Salvatore Casalino and Carmelina Miglionico on June 28, 1962 Communion outside Mass ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Communion outside Mass
Medals and rosaries Padre Pio used to bless rosaries and other religious object presented by the visitors. He used to give away blessed medals upon request. The last three pictures show American GI's receiving blessed medals.
The women had very limited access to Padre Pio. They would wait when he left the confessional to return to his cell, to be able to say a word, make a request, or kiss his hand.
Evening prayers, vespers (audio visit), blessing with the monstrance.
"VISIT TO THE VERY HOLY SACRAMENT", written by St. Alphonsus M. dè Liguori (04:07)
Visita al Santissimo Sacramento. Signor mio Gesù Cristo, che per l'amore che portate agli uomini, ve ne state notte e giorno in questo Sacramento, Visit to the very Holy Sacrament. My Lord Jesus Christ, out of love for us all, You stay night and day in this Sacrament,
tutto pieno di pietà e di amore, aspettando, chiamando ed accogliendo tutti coloro che vengono a visitarvi, io Vi credo presente nel Santissimo Sacramento dell'altare, full of compassion, waiting for, calling and welcoming all who come to visit you. I believe that you are really here in this Sacrament.
vi adoro dall'abisso del mio niente e vi ringrazio di quante grazie mi avete concesse, specialmente di avermi donato tutto Voi stesso in questo Sacramento, I adore you in your greatness. I thank you for all the wonderful graces you have given me. But I thank you especially for having given me yourself in this Sacrament,
di avermi data per avvocata la vostra Santissima Madre Maria e di avermi chiamato a visitarvi in questa chiesa. for having asked your own Mother to mother me, for having called me here to talk to you in this church.
Io saluto oggi il vostro amantissimo Cuore, ed intendo salutarlo per tre fini: Primo, in ringraziamento di questo gran dono; I am here before you today to do three things: first to thank you for these precious gifts,
secondo, per compensarvi di tutte le ingiurie, che avete ricevuto da tutti i vostri nemici in questo Sacramento; second make up for all the disrespect that you receive in this Sacrament from those who offend you,
terzo, intendo con questa visita adorarvi in tutti i luoghi della terra, dove Voi sacramentato ve ne state meno riverito e più abbandonato. third to adore you everywhere in the world where you are present in this living bread but are left abandoned and unloved.
Gesù mio, io vi amo con tutto il cuore. Mi pento di avere per il passato tante volte disgustata la vostra bontà infinita. My Jesus, I love you with all my heart. I know I have displeased you often in the past — I am sorry.
Propongo con la grazia vostra di non più offendervi per l'avvenire, ed al presente, miserabile qual sono, io mi consacro tutto a Voi: With your help I promise never to do it again. I have been weak and have sinned, but I consecrate myself to you completely.
vi dono e rinunzio tutta la mia volontà, gli affetti, i desideri e tutte le cose mie. Da oggi avanti fate Voi di me e delle mie cose tutto quello che vi piace. I give you my will, my love, my desires, everything I own. From now on do what you please with me.
Solo vi chiedo e voglio il vostro santo amore, la perseveranza finale e l'adempimento perfetto della vostra santissima volontà. All I ask is that you love me, that you keep me faithful to the end of my life. I ask for the grace to do your will exactly as you want it done.
Vi raccomando le anime del Purgatorio, specialmente le più devote del SS. Sacramento e di Maria Santissima. I pray for the souls in purgatory — especially for those who were close to you in this Sacrament and close to your Mother Mary.
Vi raccomando ancora tutti i poveri peccatori. Unisco infine, Salvatore mio caro, tutti gli affetti miei con gli affetti del vostro amorosissimo Cuore, I pray for every soul hardened in sin. My Savior, I unite my love to the love of your divine heart,
e così uniti li offro al vostro Eterno Padre, e lo prego in nome vostro che per amor vostro li accetti e li esaudisca. and I offer them both together to your Father. I beg him to accept this offering in your name. Amen.
Comunione spirituale. Gesù mio credo che voi siete nel SS. Sacramento. Vi amo sopra ogni cosa e vi desidero nell'anima mia. Spiritual Communion. My Jesus, I believe you are really here in the Blessed Sacrament. I love you more than anything in the world, and I hunger to feed on your flesh.
E giacchè ora non mi è dato di ricevervi sacramentalmente, venite almento spiritualmente nel mio cuore. But since I cannot receive Communion at this moment, feed my soul at least spiritually.
Come già venuto io vi abbraccio e tutto mi unisco a Voi; non permettete che io mi abbia a separare da Voi. I unite myself to you now, as I do when I actually receive you. Never let me drift away from you. Amen
Gloria Patri and Filio and Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc et semper et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen