San Giovanni Rotondo



Restrictions June 2, 1922 - July 15, 1933



Padre  Pio had to deal with Sant'Uffizio several times.


'Sant'Uffizio' 'Holy Office is the name of a Papal Congregation.

It has  the tasks of maintaining and defending the integrity of the faith and of examining and proscribing errors and false doctrines.


The name Sant'Uffizio was given in 1908 and lasted until 1965.

In 1965 the name was changed to 'Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith' retained to the present day.

From 1542 to 1908 the original name was 'Congregation of the holy Office of Inquisition', simply known as 'Inquisition.'




The Pope Benedict XV died January 22, 1922

On February 12, 1922 a new pope Pius XI is elected.


On June 2, 1922 Sant'Uffizio orders Padre Pio not to celebrate Mass in public,

not to show to anybody the "so called" wounds, not to bless the crowds.


On May 31, 1923. Sant'Uffizio declares that 'there is no supernaturalism in what happens to Padre Pio.'


On June 8, 1923. Sant'Uffizio asks for Padre Pio to be transferred to another convent, in Northern Italy or abroad.


Also orders that his Mass be celebrated in private and nobody can assist to it.

Padre Pio to father guardian: "Don't you understand, my son, that I don't cry for myself? I will have less work and more merits."




On August 8, 1923 Padre Pio is notified of the order to be transferred in another convent.

"As a devout son of the holy obedience, and for what depends on me, I will obey without opening mouth."


On August 12, 1923 in a letter to Francesco Morcaldi:

"The will of my superiors is the will of God. I only wish that my bones will rest in a quiet corner of this land."


A popular revolt takes place.

Police states that the transfer order cannot e implemented without spilling of blood (spargimento di sangue).

September 2, 1923. The order of transfer is revoked 'donec aliter' (until new disposition is given).


Holy Week 1924. On Holy Thursday padre Pio confesses only men from 5 AM to 1PM without break.

July 24 1924. Sant'Uffizio promulgates a monitum (warning) to avoid any contact with Padre Pio.


The altar were Padre Pio celebrated Mass alone in 1931-33


May 13, 1931. A decree of Sant'Uffizio prohibits Padre Pio from celebrating Mass in public.

The Mass he celebrated on Christmas day 1932 lasted 5 hours.

He couldn't celebrate Mass during the Holy Weeks 1933.  He was sick in bed.


July 15 1933, the restrictions were lifted, and Padre Pio resumed Mass in public.

Pope Pius XI to Mons. Cuccurullo in 1933: "You must be happy, you Capuchins. It is the first time that Sant'Uffizio swallows it's own decrees."

Pope Pius XI to an archbishop: "I have not been badly disposed towards Padre Pio, but I have been badly informed about him."










The crowds began to come back at the news, and thousands gathered every day for the Mass and the confessions:












A feeling of rejoicing and festivity spread through the faithful.








July 1, 1959 Consecration of the new church Santa Maria delle Grazie


Padre Pio celebrated mass in the church of the convent. It was small and crowded. 












A new church was consecrated on July 1, 1959.




















Padre Pio frequently skipped meals and ate very little


Asking for a cup of espresso coffee: "It's Christmas, and I need to celebrate."




Padre Pio joined always the friars for common meals, but he did not eat much.



To fra Modestino:"The greatest favor that father superior could do to me, is to dispense me from eating."




03a Padre Pio and temptation, devil, confession; meditation, prayer, rosary;      


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